The Sophisticated Savage

The Sophisticated Savage


My posts

24 Mar 2024
Screenshot of the Webull menu

Screenshot of the Webull menu

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3 Mar 2024

Gonna try my hand at making a corset. 

So I learned I need to make a body double/mannequin so I can work on shaping without the subject needing to be there. Lessons.

25 Feb 2024

My gears are ground. Might as well be spacers at this point...

This is a common place some people go to take shelter when the weather is bleak here in Pendleton, Oregon.

This is a common place some people go to take shelter when the weather is bleak here in Pendleton, Oregon.

"As the longest serving speaker of the Oregon House, from 2013 to 2022, Kotek became known for her progressive agenda. But as governor, she has sought to ease restrictions for developers in a bid to advance her housing production goals."

Why can't anyone see how politicians use agendas to gain fame and sell out immediately? It's says so right there in quotes. Still ain't seein' it though, huh? As soon as she had the power, she turned against her beliefs and wants to "grow". You can grow without spending all the fuckin' tax money on bullshit. Wanna fix the homeless problem? See if they even want a house first! There's a good number of maufuckers that LOVE that lifestyle. As for the ones that need help, QUIT MAKING IT SO HARD TO GET HELP!  We're like 8 months behind on our mortgage and the organization that is SUPPOSED to help said "they don't even want to help because if we stopped paying ALL our bills, we could definitely make our mortgage payment every month. And your mortgage is number 1 priority." Cuz FUCK having power and water with children in the house. Good job!

Fuck everyone in charge. Vote for Marty! Vote for actually gettin' shit done.

23 Feb 2024
Screenshot of the app after you register and start learning.

Screenshot of the app after you register and start learning.

I found some free coding lessons at

I'm getting close to finishing my first project within their curriculum. I paid for lifetime access to ProgrammersHub app (it was like $15 with one of their sales) a year or more ago and on mobile, it's not as hands on as but has plenty of info that's easy enough to listen to. If you're bored, might as well diversify! 

22 Feb 2024

Right to repair passes here in Oregon! Whoop Whoop! 

A Samsung A10 5G screen. It's broken. The new one is on the phone. Unfortunately it broke as well lol

A Samsung A10 5G screen. It's broken. The new one is on the phone. Unfortunately it broke as well lol

Here the link to the article I read. I can't wait to see the resources the companies roll out! Hopefully they are decent but there's already plenty of knowledgeable people out here in the world, we can mix up some curriculum real quick if the need ever be's.

20 Feb 2024

I made a practice belt (I'm using it regardless)

Sophisticated Savage stamped into my first belt!

Sophisticated Savage stamped into my first belt!

I took some time to attempt a belt. I figured an easy design like the one I bought a few years ago would be easy enough. It would be if I learned, then worked, instead of the other way around lol. The simplicity was a stitch line all around the edge of the belt. As I learned, using a single piece of thread to stitch the entire length of the belt (it's recommended to use 4X the amount of thread for the length of your project. So {40"X2}X4=fuck too much thread!) was rather difficult, and I read on Reddit (I'll put the link here when I find it!) that running thread that many times through the stitch holes wears it down. My next attempts from now on will be implementing shorter runs and practicing a hidden back stitch. Once I finish some of the next projects I'll post photos of the stitching and see how many stitches I actually hide! Auf Wiedersehen!!!

4 Feb 2024

I'm playing with ChatGPT and I'll be posting the bullshit I come up with! Here's a lil piece on anarchism.

Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates for a stateless society based on voluntary and cooperative associations of individuals. Anarchists reject any form of hierarchy, authority, or domination, and seek to create a world where people are free to pursue their own interests and values without coercion or oppression. Anarchists also oppose capitalism, imperialism, nationalism, racism, sexism, and other forms of exploitation and discrimination.

There are many arguments for and against anarchism, and different schools of thought within anarchism itself. Some of the common merits of anarchism are:

- It promotes individual freedom and autonomy, allowing people to express themselves and develop their full potential.

- It fosters mutual aid and solidarity, encouraging people to help each other and share resources and skills.

- It decentralizes power and decision-making, preventing the concentration of wealth and influence in the hands of a few elites.

- It reduces corruption and violence, eliminating the need for wars, prisons, police, and courts.

- It respects diversity and pluralism, accepting different perspectives and ways of life.

- It challenges outdated and oppressive cultural norms, such as patriarchy, religion, and nationalism.

- It creates a more sustainable and ecological society, respecting the natural environment and reducing waste and consumption.

Some of the common criticisms of anarchism are:

- It is unrealistic and utopian, ignoring the complexities and challenges of human nature and social organization.

- It is chaotic and disorderly, leading to conflict and instability.

- It is ineffective and inefficient, lacking the coordination and planning necessary for large-scale projects and services.

- It is naive and idealistic, overlooking the dangers and threats posed by external enemies and internal enemies.

- It is irresponsible and selfish, disregarding the common good and social responsibility.

- It is intolerant and dogmatic, rejecting any compromise or cooperation with other political movements and ideologies.

- It is irrelevant and outdated, failing to address the contemporary issues and problems of the modern world.

These arguments are not conclusive or definitive, and there are many variations and nuances within them. Anarchism is not a monolithic or static doctrine, but a dynamic and diverse movement that evolves and adapts to different contexts and situations. Anarchism is also not a fixed goal or end-state, but a process and a practice that can be applied in various ways and degrees. Anarchism is not a perfect or flawless system, but a vision and a struggle that aims to create a better and more just world.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/3/2024

(1) 15 Anarchy Pros and Cons –

(2) Anarchism: Arguments for and against | The Anarchist Library.

(3) 31 Important Pros & Cons Of Anarchy - E&C - Environmental Conscience.

(4) can you list at least seven advantages and seven ... - Anarchy101.

(5) What Are The Advantages of Anarchy?.

(6) Advantages and Disadvantages of Anarchy -

2 Nov 2023

REGULATORS! Mount up. (Quickly gunned down by dude in a shitter)

The shit show that's been happening for years probably won't change any time soon without something at scale happening. Efficiently is part 2, which is obviously easier said than done... But not impossible. Planning for everything only takes twice as long. Again, easier said than done. Amongst the right group makes things so much easier, donit? Anyway, fuck errbody at the proverbial top haha until we're all up there. Hopefully everyone stops once we're up there.

7 Aug 2023

While we wait, Shed!

Trying to add some finishing touches to an already done foundation for a shed.

Trying to add some finishing touches to an already done foundation for a shed.

While we wait for the weed barrier and the quote for the yard filler, we're working on a project that was apparently abandoned by the last worker. It was supposed to be 15'x8' but turned out to be 14' 10" x 8'. So close. There is also no support in the middle of the 3 pieces of plywood. It's also both nailed and scewed down. It's also just a pain in the ass when people finish up without actually finishing. Good thing assholes like me are here, TO FIX YOUR BULLSHIT YOU FUCKIN' PRICK. LOL oops. Lol. Fuckin', motherfuckers. It's gettin' done though! For that, I am happy for. I'm also happy for this shower I'm about to take. Take care, you bastards!

4 Aug 2023

First half complete!

Same angle but all cleared out. I gots to build these muscles somehow 🤷

Same angle but all cleared out. I gots to build these muscles somehow 🤷

Only 20+ hours and a huge pile in her backyard later lol. I'm gettin' done, slowly for sure but surely for slow.

Don't call me Shirley!

21 Jul 2023
My first job I quoted. An artificial lawn to replace this old one. I definitely underquoted here lol.

My first job I quoted. An artificial lawn to replace this old one. I definitely underquoted here lol.

Artificial lawn installation

This is my first real job from quote to finish. I keep mentioning quotes because I've never done that before. I sold myself short big-time on this job but in doing so, I've been able to learn just how short and can gauge my work better from here. Nothing like a good tester to see how things will end up! Although, it would be much easier if I wasn't holding a day job as well. One that I get off at the hottest part of the day. It's been kinda nice working at a grocery before hand, being able to get food and drinks before heading to the job site but I can't wait until I'm doing this full time and starting at 4-6 am instead of 1-2 pm. But I will wait, because it's what we have to. I just need to keep reminding myself to enjoi the journey, no matter how grueling and incessant it becomes.

Photo by
Martin Hernandez